High Flow and Low Resistance – A perfect protection for main filter

Beagro pleated air filter uses proprietary media. The filter has large filtration area and structurally designed to effectively protect main filter. So the main filter service life can be extended as long as possible.


Beagro Pleated Filter has consistent quality and always deliver on time

We recommend to replace pleated filter every six months to effectively protect main filter. The replacement period would be shorter if there is a major dust storm or pollution source during the service period.

Pleated Filter is usually Merv 8 efficiency filter, it consider a prefilter to protect main filter, usually MERV 15+ efficiency filter. Beagro DO NOT recommend to us pleated filter alone for animal pathogen filtration project. MERV 8 filter will not filter pathogen carrier particles, such as 0.3micro size particles.


A protection wall for main filter

Always use prefilter before main filter to extend the service life of the more expensive main filter, so we can optimize the main filter’s performance


Main filter wall is always behind this “green” prefilter wall

There is main filter wall behind this prefilter wall. We DO NOT recommend to use prefilter only for pathogen filtration in the animal production farms

Need to replace prefilter today? Call us now!

Beagro has the perfect prefilter for the filtration system in your animal barns. We will design and custom the system based on your need.